Archive for the ‘Trauma’ Category

Massage for burn Victims

October 8, 2009

It’s great that the Medical community is beginning to recognize the importance of massage more and more. With the "beauty industry" somewhat on board maybe we can start to make huge differences in people’s lives, not only with how they are feeling on the inside after a massage, but how the appearance of the outside of the body can improve with regular massage. When working with (healed) burn victims, not only can we begin to increase mobility in the damaged areas, but we can also bring a sense of reconnection back to that area, increasing further healing on all levels.

Online and Instructor-Led Massage Pathology Course

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Assessment of client involved in an MVA

June 16, 2009

The assessment of a client who has recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident should be done before, during, and after administering massage therapy treatment. In the pre-massage assessment, the therapist should be sure to determine any contraindications associated with this kind of situation. These are most likely to be inflammation, bruising, and whiplash (72 hrs. after initial injury). Obtain a physicians clearance for any sprains, strains, fractures or whiplash. Discuss any pain or discomfort the client had prior to the accident to better establish what issues are associated with the accident and what might be a chronic problem. Make sure there has been an adequate amount of time between the accident and the massage treatment. Be sure to keep in mind the client could also have an injury that has yet to manifest. Also, the therapist should document the objective as well as subjective observations, types of modalities to be used, and the clients consent to perform these modalities. During the massage therapy treatment, the therapist should assess any additional swelling, sensitivities, or constrictions through palpation. Observe any bruising assessed in the pre-consultation and make note of any additional bruising. In the post-massage assessment, the therapist should note any findings made during the massage that were not determined in the pre-massage assessment. The therapist should communicate any of these findings with the client. Evaluate how they feel after the treatment and the effectiveness of the modalities used. Give the client self-care suggestions on maintaining the benefits of the massage and/or help them speed up recovery. These could be to apply ice to any swelling, drinking plenty of water, and if they are not currently receiving physical therapy, any stretching or joint mobilizations.

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Assessing for Pathologies of the Nervous System Regarding a Victim of Stab Wound

June 8, 2009

When providing massage therapy to a client who has been the victim of a recent stab wound, the therapist should assess for any pathologies of the nervous system. Find out if the client received injury to a nerve(s) and the severity. Check to see if the injury caused any paralysis, or partial loss of feeling. If so, the therapist may proceed with the massage using gentle pressure to increase circulation. Also, nerve compression and entrapment may be assessed. Find out the level of pain and if there is referred pain. Once pain level is discovered, the therapist may choose to apply light or deep pressure to the muscles and tissues that innervate the nerve being affected. If the cause is inflammation, massage in contraindicated. A head injury could have also occurred during the incident. Make sure the client has clearance from their physician if they acquired a concussion, contusion, epidural hematoma, or subdural hematoma, as these are all contraindications. Finally, when assessing for nervous pathologies, the therapist should be aware the client may be experiencing depression, or an anxiety disorder. Also be aware of possible substance abuse. Proceeding with caution, massage may be performed in these situations.

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