Archive for the ‘Musculoskeletal Pathology’ Category

4 Tips to Relieve Stress

October 15, 2015

Your Rewards and Compensations For Helping Others

by Patricia Coldiron  
3/13/2015 / Health

You may feel like you should always be in control of your emotions, but you can’t ignore the pounding headaches, tight muscles, and short temper that you are suddenly experiencing. Everyone suffers from stress at some point in life, but by following some simple tips, you’ll soon be back to your cheerful self.

Here are 4 tips to eliminate stress:

Lean on God

God knows exactly what you need and is just waiting for you to call on Him for help. One of my favorite scriptures concerning stress relief can be found in Philippians 4: 6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Take It Slow

Taking deep breaths from the diaphragm allows full oxygen exchange throughout the chest and lungs. When you are feeling stressed, sit down in a comfortable position, put one hand on your chest, and the other on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose. If you are deep breathing correctly, you will see the hand on your stomach rise as you breathe, while the hand on your chest should only move slightly. Repeat 10 times and feel yourself relax.


You may feel like your thoughts are all over the place, and writing down how you are feeling will help you to clarify thoughts and put them into the proper perspective. Make a habit of journaling regularly, and you will discover the things that make you happy, while eliminating toxic people and situations.

Practice Gratitude

This tip has been the most helpful when I am feeling stressed. There are so many things to be thankful for, that even the worse problems don’t seem that bad. Practice gratitude by making a gratitude list of everything you’re thankful for. I like to do this in the morning and before I go to bed. Include everything you can think of. There is good food to eat, family and friends to treasure, a warm house to sleep in, and most of all a God who loves and leads us.

I have always felt called to write for God, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.

After many years in the corporate world, I am living my dream of writing full-time.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS

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Mac Tutoring Classes Online for Seniors and Others, comment

March 27, 2012

We treat many seniors at our massage therapy suite. Some of the seniors have been with us for several years. And we have noticed for a few that their brain functions have been slowly deteriorating. Massage does help the brain function some. But these senior need more. The online Mac computer classes mentioned is a good start. We will definitely recommend for some of our seniors to take the classes.

Do not forget that seniors and everybody need muscle exercise also. No one should sit or stand in front of a computer for long periods of time. The combination of brain and muscle exercises should help each one of our seniors live a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

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Mac Tutoring Classes Online for Seniors and Others

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Mac Tutoring Classes Online for Seniors and Others
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Knots in my back, part 2

September 16, 2011

The therapist wanted me to get a series of massage treatment and I agreed. Due to conflicts in her and my schedule, we were not able to go past the first massage session. Surprisingly, I felt much better after the first session. My back just about completely healed even without the sessions to come. It is fantastic what a therapist can do to help my back. Even more fantastic is that it can happen without prescription medications.

Previous Post.
Knots in my back

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September 6, 2011

Mechanotherapy is used for strengthening muscles, improvement of coordination and correction of movement patterns. The term mechanotherapy refers to the process of how load may be used therapeutically to stimulate tissue repair and remodeling in tendon, muscle, cartilage and bone. Common problems such as tendinopathies, muscle tears, and fractures require controlled loading to institute healing and return to function.

The scientific underpinning of how this occurs is related to “mechanotransduction”, which refers to a physiological process where cells sense and respond to mechanical loads. Exercise therapy as well as various manual therapies apply load to tissues with the goal of promoting healing. The underlying processes surrounding the effects of these therapies are poorly understood for many clinicians. Understanding the underlying physiological process behind many of our common therapies is necessary for treatment planning, therapist and patient education.

In this method of treatment the therapist will apply exactly estimate quality of motion on joints. The specific tools help to select the separate phases of free motions to support and fix desired joint. Designed apparatus helps to measure out the mechanical loading at implementation of motions and exercises during training.

Motions could be passive or active. Passive action is when motions of a patient are carried out by the therapist which facilitates motions. Active action is when a patient leads into action his muscle apparatus by efforts.

Loading on a joint and muscular group is graduated at a change of load weight and its position on a barbell, angle, in which the pendulum is set, frequency of the forced vibrations, and duration of the procedure. Also except the variety of mechanotherapeutic apparatus, for exercises different facilities are used, such as gymnastic sticks, Swedish walls and others. Many patients with different supports in rehabilitation departments of neurological, rheumatological, ortopedo-traumatology can have benefits from this system.

Improvements can measure by walks distance, range of motion, degree of pain, and flexibility or extensibility of the joint.

Healthcare Online Education Consultant

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Knots in my back

August 12, 2011

I am glad the therapist help me to reduced the knots in my lower back. I had been lifting heavy loads on at work. Walking was painful for me, which lead me to lean toward one side. My colleagues at work noticed my pain and leaning. The therapist had me to push with my legs. Immediately I felt some of the pain going way. The therapist also gave me a massage. This also helped a lot. This is my experience with getting relief from the painful knots in my back.


Healthcare Online Education Consultant

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Chiropractic Adjustments, comment

May 12, 2011

I totally disagree with Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. There are other drugless treatments available for the initial pain in the low back. They include massage therapy, hydrotherapy, wax therapy, and exercise therapy. The list can go on further. I would dare say that massage therapy is used more than chiropractic adjustments for initial low back pain within the United States. If anyone has research to prove me wrong, please show me.

Original Post
May 12, 2011
Chiropractic Adjustments
With approximately 15 million patients annually, chiropractic is now America’s second largest health care system. Translating to “done with the hands,” chiropractic therapy uses physical manipulation of the spine and joints to relieve pain, decompress nerves and return positive energy to the body. Chiropractic adjustments help prevent wear and tear of the joints by maintaining their proper positioning and decreases scar tissue formation after injury. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research endorses chiropractic therapy as the only, safe and effective, drugless form of initial treatment for low back pain. Because the spinal column acts like a switchboard for the nervous system, proper alignment is essential for good health.

Healthcare Online Education Consultant

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Musculoskeletal Pathologies

November 26, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, 2nd edition, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

This chapter falls in line perfectly with information I am learning in chiropractic school. The chapter begins with an overview of the three types of muscle tissue. It then goes into overview about bone structure and classifications. Next, the types of joints are discussed. Following joint discussion comes descriptions of skeletal disorders. Osteoporosis being the most common bone disease and seen more prevalent in women. Osteomalacia, rickets, Padget’s disease, osteomyelitis, Marfan’s, and spondylolysis are also discussed. Spinal deviations and foot deformities follow in discussion. The following joint disorders are discussed next: spondylolisthesis, patellofemoral syndrome, ganglion cyst, baker cyst, bursitis, and TMJ dysfunction. The chapter concludes with discussion on various forms of arthritis, muscular and myofascial disorders, and musculoskeletal injuries.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

August 12, 2010

My mother has just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has complained of pain in her knees and hands for a long time, but it was always something she adapted to. One morning, she woke up with her hands swollen to the point where she could not grasp anything, was exhausted all day, and her knees hurt so much she could not walk. The doctor put her on a steroid for the pain and swelling, and after the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis was confirmed by blood tests and a specialist, she was placed on a medication she has to take for the rest of her life. Massage is not recommended during the time of flare-ups, but during remissions, it can be given with proper considerations. These considerations include proper positioning, avoiding areas that hurt, and some light stretching.

Musculoskeletal Pathologies

July 20, 2010

Massage therapy seems to be a perfect match for musculoskeletal pathologies. Many areas of the body are affected by massage therapy and chief among them is the musculoskeletal system, or the muscles and joints of the body. When administered properly, massage techniques work to loosen tight muscles and stiff joints while simultaneously lubricating the joints and muscles and relaxing areas of intense tightness and pressure surrounding the muscles. This massage technique also works to increase range of motion for many patients while relieving stress and soreness around the affected areas. While massage therapy has many uses and benefits, helping to restore range of motion and a general feeling of looseness and comfort to the patient is a huge benefit that massage therapy has to offer.

Musculoskeletal System Pathology

July 19, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, 2nd edition, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

In musculoskeletal pathologies I learned a list of pathologies which consisted of skeletal disorders such as osteoporosis and bone cancers both of which one needs to know as much as possible before working on a client so as to be safe and keep it beneficial for the client. Spinal deviations such a scoliosis are somewhat common and knowing how to massage around the bones so the client can get relief and not feel in pain where also discussed and I feel more confident massaging. My textbook also talked about foot deformities and myofascial disorders so I feel confident knowing myofascial moves to specifically use on my clients.

Massage, Occupational, Chiropractic Massage Therapy Pathology Online Education

Musculoskeletal System

July 6, 2010

Amazing to me is the structure of bone, there’s so much within a bone. I have had to learn to adjust pressure in massage on clients who are elderly since their bones appear weaker and they may suffer from Osteoporosis. I must remember to take my calcium; vitamin D and collagen supplements regularly!

Musculoskeletal Pathology

July 6, 2010

The musculoskeletal system is made up of cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles. Muscles produce body movements, stabilize body position and help maintain normal body temperature. Components of skeletal system are bones, cartilage, ligaments and joints. Some examples of skeletal disorders are osteoporosis, rickets, Paget disease and spondylolysis. Most common is osteoporosis which is loss of normal bone density. Use lighter pressure for someone with osteoporosis. Spinal deviations are kyphosis (posterior thoracic curve), lordosis (anterior lumbar curve) and scoliosis (lateral curvature in thorax).