Archive for the ‘Endocrine Pathology’ Category

Endocrine Pathologies

November 26, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, 2nd edition, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

The endocrine system uses hormones to communicate and works in conjuction with the nervous system. Massage can be beneficial to the endocrine system by reducing stress that indirectly lowers stress hormone levels in the endocrine glands. The role of the endocrine system is to regulate activities of smooth and cardiac muscle along with some glands, regulation of chemical composition and volume of fluids, regulation of growth and development, alteration of metabolism, regulation of reproductive processes and participation in circadian rhythms. The endocrine has two categories of glands: exocrine, that secrete into empty body cavities, hollow centers of organs, and surface of the body; and endocrine, that secrete hormones into the bloodstream and nearby cells. Diseases of the pituitary are discussed. Diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid follow next in the chapter. The chapter has an overview of diabetes mellitus. The chapter concludes with an overview of diseases of the adrenal cortex.

Interventions for Diabetics

August 12, 2010

As a massage therapist, it is likely you will encounter a client with diabetes. It is important to know the different signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, as well as the interventions for both. A few signs that people that are hyperglycemic encounter are dry mouth and are very thirsty, urinate a lot, have a metallic or fruity taste/smell in their mouth, blurry vision and dilated pupils. If the client experiences these symptoms, it is helpful to have them drink a beverage: water is best or a sugar-free drink. If a client is experiencing hypoglycemia, they may experience being hungry, start to shake, have tingling in their fingers or mouth, their skin may be clammy and sweaty and they have slurred speech. If a diabetic client experiences these symptoms, it is helpful to provide them with a beverage that contains sugar, like juice or regular soda. When the client feels better, offer a snack. If these interventions do not seem to be helpful, call 911.

Weak Bones and Diabetes Mellitus

July 28, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, 2nd edition, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

Many of the endocrine diseases such as gigantism, dwarfism, and hyperpituitarism will cause patients to have weak bones. Like it was discussed in the text and power point, hormone therapy is the most common treatment for many of these diseases. But occupational and massage therapy could decrease discomfort and maximize potential range of movement for those struggling with their fine motor skills due to the pain from their weak bones. I should also be aware of patients with diabetes and those who are hyper and hypoglycemic, as the side effects of these diseases could affect how therapy is conducted. For instance, for patients with Diabetes Type I, I will need to be careful to avoid any recent insulin injection sites, because putting too much pressure on them could increase insulin absorption and possibly lead to a hypoglycemic episode.

Endocrine Pathologies

July 21, 2010

When dealing with patients with diseases that affect the endocrine system, it is important to take into consideration these diseases when formulating a plan of care. For examples, if a massage therapist has a client who has Diabetes Mellitus type II, special care needs to be taken to ensure the patient is safe from having an attack. It is important that the massage therapist check the client for any bruises and/or open areas that he or she might not be aware of. Wounds are very serious and can be dangerous and even life threatening to a diabetic due to the substantial decrease in the body’s ability to heal properly. Massage therapists also have to consider the possibility that a diabetic might at any moment have their sugar bottom out. In this instance, it is important for the therapist to have talked to the client beforehand and discuss what the client needs done if he or she has a sudden drop in their blood sugar level. While ideally a client would have eaten prior to the massage therapy session, this is not always the case. The therapist needs to be aware of if and where the client keeps his or her medication in case the therapist has to give the client something to stimulate the patient during the therapy session. Therapists should also ideally have some items on hand such as sugary soft drinks that can have sugar added to them or even maple syrup, which is the best thing a diabetic can be given to raise their blood sugar in the shortest amount of time, in the facility where the therapy is being performed to help raise the client’s blood sugar levels. While massage therapy can help a diabetic handle anxiety issues and improve circulation, it can also help to restore some elasticity to tissues that have become hardened due to the buildup of sugars in one’s body. While massage therapy needs to be administered carefully to a client with diabetes, the therapeutic benefits one stands to gain from massage therapy outweigh the risks when administered properly.

Endocrine System Pathology

July 19, 2010

Endocrine pathologies consist of diseases of the pituitary, diseases of the thyroid, diseases of the parathyroids, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the adrenal cortex.. What stood out most to me was that I had a client who was a dwarf and being more studied in what he had made it better when I massaged him because I know how his body was set up and what was going on inside which made for a better and more knowledgeable massage. As a therapist its best to know what is going on inside so to best manage the outside when it comes to laying hands on somebody.

Endocrine System, comment

July 16, 2010

I have read this blog and I agree with the information that is detailed by this massage therapist.  Most of the time people come for a massage to relieve stress.  After the session, I notice a positive mood change and a reduction in stress.  The reduction of stress will help the endocrine system by decreaing the amount of stress hormones in the client’s body.  The massage will aid them in their overall physical well-being.

Original Post

July 9, 2010

Title: Endocrine System Stress

The endocrine system is very important to our daily function.  It is in charge of keeping the body in homeostasis.  It communicates with the body through hormones.  Many people come to a massage therapist to relieve stress.  Not only will they experience a positive change in their mood, the massage will also affect their endocrine system by decreasing the amount of stress hormones in their body.  Some people may view those who receive massaged to reduce stress as using it as just a luxury, but these patients are really doing something that will aid them in their overall physical wellbeing.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type II

July 14, 2010

A student in my massage class has a son that has Diabetes Mellitus and he is only 4. He is a healthy weight and active, with plenty of exercise. He eats a balanced diet and was brought up that way from a baby. Despite trying to control his sugar levels with proper diabetic recommendations, he still has to have an insulin pump. The nurse at his preschool has to check his sugar levels and report to the family frequently during the day. It seems that this particular case the sugar levels are hard to control despite following all the right protocols. At such a young age having this much difficulty, it must be reeking havoc inside his body doing a lot of damage. What will this do over time to his pancreas since he has had this from about 2 years of age. If young children like this were to receive regular massages would it harm them more by pushing more blood through their body’s faster? In school I learned that when you are going to receive a massage it is better to take medication after the massage, if possible. The massage pushes blood through the body at a more rapid rate which causes the body to process the medication faster than normal and could cause a problem.

Endocrine System Stress

July 9, 2010

The endocrine system is very important to our daily function.  It is in charge of keeping the body in homeostasis.  It communicates with the body through hormones.  Many people come to a massage therapist to relieve stress.  Not only will they experience a positive change in their mood, the massage will also affect their endocrine system by decreasing the amount of stress hormones in their body.  Some people may view those who receive massaged to reduce stress as using it as just a luxury, but these patients are really doing something that will aid them in their overall physical wellbeing.

cancer and neoplasia

April 23, 2010

When a person hears that has cancer, that person knows is facing death, cancer can easily metastasize or spread to other organs since cancer cells can travel through blood stream or lymphatic fluid. The majority of cancers are caused by exposure to carcinogens; they can change the gene structure of the cell; for example the tar in cigarette smoking, radon gas, and ultraviolet rays from sunlight. There are three types of cancer treatments; surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Massage treatments help people with cancer, in a great deal, relaxing them, cleansing de body of toxins and the powerful drugs used for chemotherapy and its side effects. Massage to, helps to boost the immune system decreases the pain and edema of cancer patients by integrating body, mind and spirit, the patient can fight the illness. Before there was the idea that massage could help to spread the disease, no medical evidence has proof that massage can do that, on the contrary there are more and more publications saying the contrary.

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endocrine system pathologies

April 23, 2010

The endocrine system in conjunction with the nervous system is the one that is involve in most of our body functions, setting our body into motion. From conception to death hormones control every aspect of our lives that is way, it is very important to maintain a healthy endocrine system for example, our reproduction is sexual means that male and female endocrine systems have been working in cooperation to be able to attract a man and a woman to have sexual relations. Who creates this powerful attraction that can be called love, passion, and lust?, their endocrine systems. As we grow up the thymus gland plays big role the immune system, this gland will be smaller as we get older. When some endocrine organs like the pancreas have an abnormal output of insulin it is life threatening since insulin helps to transport glucose to most cells depriving them of energy. Excess adipose tissue acts, as if it is a gland. Fat cells secrete estrogen; this hormone has been linked to several cancers like the breast cancer. The worst fat is the one located around the waist, since is close to many organs in the abdominal area. Massage to people with endocrine system problems should be only after clearance from their health care provider since an internal bleeding could be caused.

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Endocrine System

April 15, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

While reading Chapter 6 in my text book I learned about Endocrine Pathologies. The endocrine system is a main help in regulating the body, and helps to maintain homeostasis. There are two types of glands in this system, endocrine and exocrine. Some common pathologies of the endocrine system are Addison’s disease which affects the adrenal glands, the massage therapist need to have medical clearance before giving a massage. Another is Cushing’s disease which is over production of adrenocortical steroid, when giving a massage the therapist need medical clearance from their health care provider. When massaging someone with an endocrine problem special care at being cautious is very important.

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Chapter 6

April 15, 2010

Review of Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, by Salvo and Anderson. Within the course of Dr. Johnson.

Chapter 6 was a breath of fresh air after seeing all the brains. There is a pretty basic overview of the endocrine system at the beginning. Again, a good review of the physiological system in question. In addition, and to my great relief, the images were not the kind that kills an appetite or leads to nightmares. The information was very useful, and the entries on diabetes especially so. I’ve always been especially fascinated with the endocrine system and its relation with the nervous and circulatory systems. It was equally refreshing to find a chapter where contraindications were rarer, even if doctor’s notes were nearly ubiquitous.

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